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Using the Places API to Create an Autocomplete Demo

In this article I'm going to show you how to use the Places API to create a demo for your app. To do this, you'll need to have the Places API installed on your server. You can see how to access the demo from the Places API documentation. Then, you can start writing code to implement this demo in your application. There are a few important considerations you should keep in mind.

First, you need to implement the Autocomplete widget. It should include a search box with a selectable text field and radio buttons. It should also have a Strict Bounds option so that it can only search within the viewport. Then, you can use the places API to display the details of each place. The sample also uses the Autocomplete class for a better user experience. However, if you need to add the Places API to your application, you should also integrate it with the Google Maps API.

The Places API has a name property called place-results. This property contains a description that was derived from the predictions. You can read the description in the documentation to see more about the Places Autocomplete. You can also use this property in an address form to return structured address form data. To use the Places API to create a demo, you must set the Address-components field in your form.



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