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Places API Autocomplete Demo

To use a Places API to display location details in an application, you need to enable the API in your app and enable it to receive data from Google Maps. To enable the API, run a simple command and observe the output. The Place variable will contain the required information. If enabled, run the code locally to see the results. You can also check this demo by visiting Google's developer site. To get started, follow these steps:

The places API allows you to retrieve address information for businesses. Specify the latitude and longitude and set a radius in meters. You can also use components to limit the location-specific results. The example below uses the geocoding API to return information about coffee shops. If the user does not provide any results, Google Places Autocomplete will be used instead. The demo is free to download from Github. If you want to see the code in action, please feel free to contact me at the email address listed below.

The API is designed to monitor an input field and automatically attach the results to it. The PlaceResult object includes the name, icon, location, and marker of the matched item. The PlaceResult object can also be customized to include fields like the name and address of the location. To customize the Places API autocomplete demo, check out the TypeScript guide. If you use TypeScript, you should also consult the guide "Using TypeScript with Google Maps".



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